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For an overview of how the Kidsworld Program works, please visit our 'How It Works' page.

If you have further questions, please look through our answers below.

If you need more assistance you can e-mail us using the option at the bottom of this page.

  • What Is The Mission And Heart Behind Kidsworld?
    Kidsworld's mission is to support local families with an affordable way to spend quality time together at a wide range of Vancouver's best places. We also want to give children opportunities to get a wide range of experiences including art, dance music, sports, and unique educational opportunities. Kidsworld also supports the organizations that make our city so amazing by advertising them as well as showcasing them to local families at no cost other than welcoming the families in without cost one day!
  • How Is Kidsworld Able To Provide Such Good Value?
    Kidsworld has always existed only due to the generosity of the event hosts, who are committed to supporting the community, and blessing the kids of our city. We would not exist without them, and are so thankful! Please support these generous local organizations by giving positive reviews on Facebook and Google, by making social media posts at the events and tagging the host organizations as well as Kidsworld, as well as choosing these organizations first when doing future activities.
  • What Type of Events & Activities Are Part Of Kidsworld?
    Kidsworld aims to have a wide variety of artistic, atheletic, educational and fun activities! Many 'events' include free admission at attractions, museums and other venues. We also have unique tours. Plus there are also hosted activities like sports, music, art, dance and circus school. The Kidsworld events are spread around Greater Vancouver at various locations with different organizations. Kidsworld itself does not host the events, we arrange with a partner organizations to host the families. Specific event details are listed on the calendar of events section of the Kidsworld website.
  • What Age Range Is Kidsworld Meant For?  Are They Firm Restrictions?
    Kidsworld is generally aimed for children 4-13, however if a child slightly older or younger would like to participate, they are welcome to. Please just be aware of their age suitability for certain events. The athletic events are not meant for children under 4 years old unless otherwise stated.
  • What Are Reservation Events?
    To attend Reservation Events , you need to reserve your spots in advance. Reservation events are needed if the event requires you to sign up for a specific age bracket, event category or time slot. Reservation Events are also needed because some events have limited available spots. We aim to have as many reservation spaces as possible for each event. You are allowed to sign up one adult per child, with a maximum of two adults per family. This is with the aim to provide as many spaces for children as possible.
  • How Do I Sign Up For Reservation Events?
    When you have ordered your Kidsworld pass, you will receive a password to enter you into the Reservation Event Page. This page is located under the drop down menu for Kidsworld Summer or Kidsworld 44 at the top of the website. You only sign up through the Kidsworld website, please do not contact the event to try to sign up there. Reservation Events open two weeks before the event at 8am.
  • Do Parents/Guardians Attend The Events With The Child?
    Yes. A parent or eligible guardian (18+) must accompany the child to all events. Even for activities where only children are participating, parents are expected to stay at the location.
  • Can Any Adult Accompany The Child To The Event?
    Yes! The pass is in the child's name, and any adult can accompany the child. It's a great opportunity for grandparents, aunts/uncles or friends to select an event and go with the child on an adventure.
  • Who Is Responsible For The Child At The Events?
    The parent or guardian is responsible. Kidsworld events are meant for the parent to attend with the child and be responsible for them. Kidsworld does not supervise the kids. Some events are exclusive for kids, such as dance and martial arts programs. For these events, the parent brings the child to the event and stays at the location until the end of the event. The guardian must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Can I Bring A Toddler With Me To Events?
    Each one of our events is different. For events that have your regular entrance fee waived, you are welcome to bring the child but you may have to pay for them depending on what age the specific organization starts to charge the entrance fee. For example, at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum is free for children ages 0-4, so you can bring them along without cost. Other events you may have to pay. For events which are hosted events or activities with only the Kidsworld child participating, you can bring the toddler along to watch along with you. However for reservation events where adults are also participating, toddlers are not allowed. For example, due to legal numbers of people allowed on the ship at a time, the Harbour Cruise event cannot take more people than those who are officially registered. Also bringing extra toddlers to these events takes space away from children with passes.
  • How Busy Are Events?
    Kidsworld limits the amount of memberships that we sell in order to limit crowds that would be too much for events. We have also spread out our drop-in events over multiple days whenever possible. Certain events that cannot take all members are called Reservation Events. We are very conscious of the flow of people and try to manage this well. However many events are also still open to the general paying public so we cannot control the total amount.
  • Can I Transfer The Pass To Another Child?
    No. Passes are only for the child that signed up. You cannot get into the event without the membership pass ordered for that specific child. If you are found to be entering improperly, your Kidsworld pass may be revoked.
  • Can An Extra Child Or Adult Come And Pay For Their Entrance?
    With a Kidsworld pass one adult and one child receive complimentary entrance. For extra people to attend, it depends on the event. Reservation Events are generally exclusive to Kidsworld families and cannot have more people attend beyond the one child and one adult per pass. However some attractions are open to the public, where you drop in and show your pass as you attend. For these events, extra visitors are welcome to purchase an entrance and join the Kidsworld families at the location.
  • What Is The Refund Policy?
    Kidsworld membership passes are non-transferable and non-refundable. In rare cases we may offer refunds due to certain situations. If you believe there is a specific situation why that should happen in your case, you can send an e-mail to
  • Do You Have An Emergency Number?
    Yes. On event days you can call Jordyn Field at 778-847-2240. If you cannot reach him, call Julia Field at 604-308-5754.

Frequently Asked Questions

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© 2024 Kidsworld Entertainment (BC) Ltd.

16433 19 avenue
Surrey, BC
V3Z 0Z1


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